Hoosier Veterans Consortium

Each year New Tech Institute HS holds the "Hoosier Veterans Consortium" as part of the "America at War" project in the Innovative Perspectives class that combines US History and English 9.

Students research wars from World War 2 through current conflicts. 
Then, we welcome 20-30 veterans from the Evansville area to share their stories with students. 
Students transcribe the interviews, with the goal to send the transcripts to the Evansville War Museum for posterity.

On March 4, 2020 New Tech held our 7th Annual Hoosier Veterans Consortium, with two World War 2 veterans and a 100-year-old nurse who served in England during WW2.
New Tech senior Joshua Casson, who has enlisted in the US Army, was the emcee. To prepare for this year's Consortium, students connected with SPC Timothy Moore, 2017 New Tech graduate and  military police officer at the Chievres Air Base in Belgium via Skype. 

Our school is a recipient of the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Award, and our principal, Mr. Gibson, also received the ESGR award as part of our willingness to accommodate the National Guard commitment of former New Tech teacher, Capt. Ernie Griffin. Capt. Griffin is now dean at Harrison HS in Evansville.  In addition, Mr. Gibson (principal) and Mr. Demerly (Math teacher) were awarded a certificate of appreciation from the Air Force Recruiting Service for supporting Air Force recruitment.
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