Principal's Message

principal messageThank you for your interest in New Tech Institute!

We are a small high school located in the south wing of the Southern Indiana Career and Technical Center on Lynch Road in Evansville, Indiana. NTI is a fully-functioning high school that focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) along with Entrepreneurial Leadership. Our mascot is the Thunderbolt, in honor of the P-47 Thunderbolts produced during World War II at the former Republic Aviation plant two miles north of our school.

Established by the EVSC in 2010, NTI is one of 180 New Tech schools around the country. While each New Tech is unique, the bedrock on which they are built is Project-Based Learning and Trust, Respect, and Responsibility. We are expanding and strengthening our emphasis on STEM education with outreach to local individuals, businesses, and universities.

NTI achieved STEM-Certified School status in 2016, which continues through at least 2021. NTI also was named a New Tech Network Demonstration Site and Exemplary School in 2015-16, 2016-17 and in 2017-2018.

We have excellent teachers who participate in ongoing training around Project-Based Learning, and four of our teachers recently earned distinction as New Tech Network Certified Teachers. In addition, we have a core of outstanding and wonderful students who are thriving in an environment where their learning is relevant to real-world problems.

Students learn the English, Science, Math, Social Studies, World Language, Arts, and Engineering core curriculum just as they could at any high school, but the added value is collaboration with peers to solve problems and a focus on presentation skills to communicate knowledge. While students usually work collaboratively in groups, they also have ample opportunities to express their individual knowledge and thinking on a regular basis.

Solid education is our focus, as evidenced by our 98% graduation rate for our first three graduating classes, and pass rates for Indiana end-of-course assessments approaching or exceeding 90%. We offer a variety of college-credit courses through Ivy Tech and University of Southern Indiana.. Students may also earn college credits through participation in the Southern Indiana Career and Technical Center (SICTC) programs during junior and senior years. Alternately, juniors and seniors can choose to participate in NTI's Entrepreneurial Academy with connections to local businesses through internships as well as a partnership with the local Chamber of Commerce.

Our students are also involved outside the classroom. We offer Archery, National Honor Society, Yearbook, Robotics Club, Theater, Student Council, Spanish Club, Book Club, Outdoor Club, and Gamers Guild. Many of our extra-curricular activities stem from student interest and have come to fruition through student voice.

Our parent group, NTI and Company, is a vital source of support for students and staff. This 501(c)3 organization organizes fundraising, facilitates a welcoming environment for Open Houses, and takes wonderful care of our staff. Our wonderful parent organization has funded the yearly Science Fair, spruced up the Teacher Workroom, and provided multiple resources for our school among many other great contributions.

We strive to live our mission each day: to provide students relevant project-based learning and leadership in an atmosphere of trust, respect, and responsibility.

Go Thunderbolts!

- Mr. Chris Gibson
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