What is New Tech?

New Tech Network works nationwide with schools, districts and communities to develop innovative high schools. The network helps schools fundamentally rethink teaching and learning, empowering students to become the creators, leaders, and producers of tomorrow. Founded in Napa, California, in 1996, New Tech is made up of 170+ schools across the US and Australia. There are currently 20 New Tech schools in Indiana.

New Tech Network works nationwide with schools, districts, and communities to develop innovative high schools. We help schools fundamentally rethink teaching and learning, empowering students to become the creators, leaders, and producers of tomorrow.

For more information about the New Tech Network, check out their website at www.newtechnetwork.org or for more information about the model including journal articles, videos, and research, check out http://www.bobpearlman.org/newtechfoundation/newtech21.htm .
New Tech Institute High School is about more than computers. It is about a new way of learning to prepare students for life outside of school in the 21st century. Extending education beyond the four walls of a classroom, New Tech students learn through real-world, project-based education that incorporates the skills vital for lifelong success. New Technology High School: New Schools & New Skills for the 21st Century details this innovative school design and how it is transforming schools across Indiana.
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