In order to ensure equity, fairness, and consistency with the policy of gender balance, New Tech students will be selected by lottery at the end of the enrollment period. The procedure for the lottery will be as follows...
- Only students whose completed applications were received prior to the end of open enrollment and who meet the admissions requirements will be included in the lottery.
- The lottery will be overseen by a District administrator.
- Lottery selection will continue until 75 applicants have been chosen. The 76th student selected (and beyond) will be placed on a waiting list in the order they are drawn. This waiting list will stay in force throughout the student’s first two years in high school unless the parent requests that their name be removed.
Wait list students will be notified by phone if a seat becomes available. Should they choose not to take the seat, their name will be removed from the wait list. The next student on the wait list will be called until all of the seats are filled.
There is no need call the school office for lottery results. The list of students selected in the lottery will be notified in early January. Letters will also be sent home notifying applicants of their status.
Students may continue to apply directly at New Tech after the open enrollment period and will be accepted or placed at the bottom of the wait list.
Once accepted, any student wishing to return to their district high school may do so at the end of the semester.
Admission to New Tech Institute shall be open to all students on a nondiscriminatory basis, without regard to race, color, national origin, creed, gender, ethnicity, ancestry, disability or academic achievement, in accordance with the admission policy outlined above. New Tech Institute shall be nonsectarian and shall not charge tuition for admission to the school.