Applying to New Tech

applyNew Tech HS Student Application

If you are interested in joining New Tech in August 2024, please read the admission requirements on the previous page. If you meet the admission requirements, please fill out the application by reading the remainder of this page and then following the link below. All applications are due no later than December 20, 2024 at 11:59pm.

A 200-300 word short essay is required as part of the application. BEFORE clicking on the link below, be prepared to answer the following prompt:

Working with technology requires high levels of self-discipline in order to be productive in this learning environment. Please include a 200-300 word essay explaining why you have chosen the EVSC New Tech Institute (improvement in self-discipline? growth in leadership ability? overcome a fear of public speaking?) and include examples of how you have worked well with others. Recommendation: Write your essay in a word processing program and then copy and paste it into this essay box.
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